Source code for skmultilearn.adapt.mltsvm

# Authors: Grzegorz Kulakowski <>
# License: BSD 3 clause
from skmultilearn.base import MLClassifierBase

import numpy as np
import scipy.sparse as sp
from scipy.linalg import norm
from scipy.sparse.linalg import inv as inv_sparse
from scipy.linalg import inv as inv_dense

[docs]class MLTSVM(MLClassifierBase): """Twin multi-Label Support Vector Machines Parameters ---------- c_k : int the empirical risk penalty parameter that determines the trade-off between the loss terms sor_omega: float (default is 1.0) the smoothing parameter threshold : int (default is 1e-6) threshold above which a label should be assigned lambda_param : float (default is 1.0) the regularization parameter max_iteration : int (default is 500) maximum number of iterations to use in successive overrelaxation References ---------- If you use this classifier please cite the original paper introducing the method: .. code :: bibtex @article{chen2016mltsvm, title={MLTSVM: a novel twin support vector machine to multi-label learning}, author={Chen, Wei-Jie and Shao, Yuan-Hai and Li, Chun-Na and Deng, Nai-Yang}, journal={Pattern Recognition}, volume={52}, pages={61--74}, year={2016}, publisher={Elsevier} } Examples -------- Here's a very simple example of using MLTSVM with a fixed number of neighbors: .. code :: python from skmultilearn.adapt import MLTSVM classifier = MLTSVM(c_k = 2**-1) # train, y_train) # predict predictions = classifier.predict(X_test) You can also use :class:`~sklearn.model_selection.GridSearchCV` to find an optimal set of parameters: .. code :: python from skmultilearn.adapt import MLTSVM from sklearn.model_selection import GridSearchCV parameters = {'c_k': [2**i for i in range(-5, 5, 2)]} score = 'f1-macro clf = GridSearchCV(MLTSVM(), parameters, scoring=score), y) print (clf.best_params_, clf.best_score_) # output {'c_k': 0.03125} 0.347518217573 """ def __init__(self, c_k=0, sor_omega=1.0, threshold=1e-6, lambda_param=1.0, max_iteration=500): super(MLClassifierBase, self).__init__() self.max_iteration = max_iteration self.threshold = threshold self.lambda_param = lambda_param # TODO: possibility to add different lambda to different labels self.c_k = c_k self.sor_omega = sor_omega self.copyable_attrs = ['c_k', 'sor_omega', 'lambda_param', 'threshold', 'max_iteration']
[docs] def fit(self, X, Y): n_labels = Y.shape[1] m = X.shape[1] # Count of features self.wk_bk = np.zeros([n_labels, m + 1], dtype=float) if sp.issparse(X): identity_matrix = sp.identity(m + 1) _inv = inv_sparse else: identity_matrix = np.identity(m + 1) _inv = inv_dense X_bias = _hstack(X, np.ones((X.shape[0], 1), dtype=X.dtype)) self.iteration_count = [] for label in range(0, n_labels): # Calculate the parameter Q for overrelaxation H_k = _get_x_class_instances(X_bias, Y, label) G_k = _get_x_noclass_instances(X_bias, Y, label) Q_knoPrefixGk = _inv((H_k.T).dot(H_k) + self.lambda_param * identity_matrix).dot(G_k.T) Q_k = Q_k = (Q_k + Q_k.T) / 2.0 # Calculate other alpha_k = self._successive_overrelaxation(self.sor_omega, Q_k) if sp.issparse(X): self.wk_bk[label] = else: self.wk_bk[label] = (, alpha_k)).T self.wk_norms = norm(self.wk_bk, axis=1) self.treshold = 1.0 / np.max(self.wk_norms)
[docs] def predict(self, X): X_with_bias = _hstack(X, np.ones((X.shape[0], 1), dtype=X.dtype)) wk_norms_multiplicated = self.wk_norms[np.newaxis, :] # change to form [[wk1, wk2, ..., wkk]] all_distances = ( / wk_norms_multiplicated predicted_y = np.where(all_distances < self.treshold, 1, 0) # TODO: It's possible to add condition to: add label if no labels is in row. return predicted_y
def _successive_overrelaxation(self, omegaW, Q): # Initialization D = np.diag(Q) # Only one dimension vector - is enough D_inv = 1.0 / D # D-1 simplify form small_l = Q.shape[1] oldnew_alpha = np.zeros([small_l, 1]) # buffer is_not_enough = True was_going_down = False last_alfa_norm_change = -1 nr_iter = 0 while is_not_enough: # do while oldAlpha = oldnew_alpha for j in range(0, small_l): # It's from last alpha to first oldnew_alpha[j] = oldAlpha[j] - omegaW * D_inv[j] * (Q[j, :] - 1) oldnew_alpha = oldnew_alpha.clip(0.0, self.c_k) alfa_norm_change = norm(oldnew_alpha - oldAlpha) if not was_going_down and last_alfa_norm_change > alfa_norm_change: was_going_down = True is_not_enough = alfa_norm_change > self.threshold and \ nr_iter < self.max_iteration \ and ((not was_going_down) or last_alfa_norm_change > alfa_norm_change) # TODO: maybe add any(oldnew_alpha != oldAlpha) last_alfa_norm_change = alfa_norm_change nr_iter += 1 self.iteration_count.append(nr_iter) return oldnew_alpha
def _get_x_noclass_instances(X, Y, label_class): if sp.issparse(Y): indices = np.where(Y[:, 1].A == 0)[0] else: indices = np.where(Y[:, 1] == 0)[0] return X[indices, :] def _get_x_class_instances(X, Y, label_class): if sp.issparse(Y): indices = Y[:, label_class].nonzero()[0] else: indices = np.nonzero(Y[:, label_class])[0] return X[indices, :] def _hstack(X, Y): if sp.issparse(X): return sp.hstack([X, Y], format=X.format) else: return np.hstack([X, Y])