Source code for skmultilearn.ensemble.rakelo

from .voting import MajorityVotingClassifier
from ..cluster.random import RandomLabelSpaceClusterer
from ..problem_transform import LabelPowerset
from ..base import MLClassifierBase

[docs]class RakelO(MLClassifierBase): """Overlapping RAndom k-labELsets multi-label classifier Divides the label space in to m subsets of size k, trains a Label Powerset classifier for each subset and assign a label to an instance if more than half of all classifiers (majority) from clusters that contain the label assigned the label to the instance. Parameters ---------- base_classifier: :class:`~sklearn.base.BaseEstimator` scikit-learn compatible base classifier, will be set under `self.classifier.classifier`. base_classifier_require_dense : [bool, bool] whether the base classifier requires [input, output] matrices in dense representation. Will be automatically set under `self.classifier.require_dense` labelset_size : int the desired size of each of the partitions, parameter k according to paper. According to paper, the best parameter is 3, so it's set as default Will be automatically set under `self.labelset_size` model_count : int the desired number of classifiers, parameter m according to paper. According to paper, the best value for this parameter is 2M (being M the number of labels) Will be automatically set under :code:`self.model_count_`. Attributes ---------- classifier : :class:`~skmultilearn.ensemble.MajorityVotingClassifier` the voting classifier initialized with :class:`~skmultilearn.problem_transform.LabelPowerset` multi-label classifier with `base_classifier` and :class:`~skmultilearn.cluster.random.RandomLabelSpaceClusterer` References ---------- If you use this class please cite the paper introducing the method: .. code :: latex @ARTICLE{5567103, author={G. Tsoumakas and I. Katakis and I. Vlahavas}, journal={IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering}, title={Random k-Labelsets for Multilabel Classification}, year={2011}, volume={23}, number={7}, pages={1079-1089}, doi={10.1109/TKDE.2010.164}, ISSN={1041-4347}, month={July}, } Examples -------- Here's a simple example of how to use this class with a base classifier from scikit-learn to teach 6 classifiers each trained on a quarter of labels, which is sure to overlap: .. code :: python from sklearn.naive_bayes import GaussianNB from skmultilearn.ensemble import RakelO classifier = RakelO( base_classifier=GaussianNB(), base_classifier_require_dense=[True, True], labelset_size=y_train.shape[1] // 4, model_count_=6 ), y_train) prediction = classifier.predict(X_train, y_train) """ def __init__(self, base_classifier=None, model_count=None, labelset_size=3, base_classifier_require_dense=None): super(RakelO, self).__init__() self.model_count = model_count self.labelset_size = labelset_size self.base_classifier = base_classifier self.base_classifier_require_dense = base_classifier_require_dense self.copyable_attrs = ['model_count', 'labelset_size', 'base_classifier_require_dense', 'base_classifier']
[docs] def fit(self, X, y): """Fits classifier to training data Parameters ---------- X : `array_like`, :class:`numpy.matrix` or :mod:`scipy.sparse` matrix, shape=(n_samples, n_features) input feature matrix y : `array_like`, :class:`numpy.matrix` or :mod:`scipy.sparse` matrix of `{0, 1}`, shape=(n_samples, n_labels) binary indicator matrix with label assignments Returns ------- self fitted instance of self """ self.classifier = MajorityVotingClassifier( classifier=LabelPowerset( classifier=self.base_classifier, require_dense=self.base_classifier_require_dense ), clusterer=RandomLabelSpaceClusterer( cluster_size=self.labelset_size, cluster_count=self.model_count, allow_overlap=True ), require_dense=[False, False] ) return, y)
[docs] def predict(self, X): """Predict labels for X Parameters ---------- X : `array_like`, :class:`numpy.matrix` or :mod:`scipy.sparse` matrix, shape=(n_samples, n_features) input feature matrix Returns ------- :mod:`scipy.sparse` matrix of `{0, 1}`, shape=(n_samples, n_labels) binary indicator matrix with label assignments """ return self.classifier.predict(X)
[docs] def predict_proba(self, X): """Predict probabilities of label assignments for X Parameters ---------- X : `array_like`, :class:`numpy.matrix` or :mod:`scipy.sparse` matrix, shape=(n_samples, n_features) input feature matrix Returns ------- :mod:`scipy.sparse` matrix of `float in [0.0, 1.0]`, shape=(n_samples, n_labels) matrix with label assignment probabilities """ return self.classifier.predict_proba(X)